Main interest: Covers (esp. postally used covers) and stamps topic "WWF" (mint recent years and used all years) Other interests: Used stamps from "Japan" or topic "Elephants" I am currently also trying to collect at least one commemorative stamp from every (stamp issuing) country or territory in the world. I still need a nice commemorative used stamp (no CTO!) from these countries/territories (will update the list regularly): Aitutaki Alderney Anguilla Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus British Antarctic Territory (BAT) Caribisch Nederland Bonaire Saba St Eustasius North Korea Palestine (National Authority) Sint Maarten South Sudan Tajikistan Timor Leste to be continued.. . Contact me on ledaele@gmail.com if you think we can help each other! :) All items I sell on my Delcampe page, can also be traded ! Have a look at: https://www.delcampe.net/nl/verzamelingen/winkel/th_belgium
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